Week Preview for 12/21/20

???? Winter Gear is online!  Order by 12/24 and it will be printed and shipped to the gym in a few weeks.  LINK HERE: https://wodmerch.com/collections/crossfit-br

???? Schedule: 9am Only on Christmas Eve.  Closed Christmas Day.


IMG 6829
Merry Christmas from your coaches!




Starting the day with Shoulder Press work then hitting a descending ladder of Dumbbell Snatches and Lateral Burpees over the Dumbbell to start the week with a little intensity.



Clean & Jerk strength or testing.  Check your Weightlifting level and see if you can move up anywhere.  Workout is an AMRAP of Curtis P’s and Ab Mat Situps.



Quick Back Squat session then a chipper of Cal Rowing, Push Ups, Box Jump Overs, and Pull Ups.



Partner AMRAP of Russian KB Swings, Single-Arm Dumbbell Push Jerks, and Goblet Squats.


CLOSED – Merry Christmas!



Partner WOD with Clean & Jerks, Front Squats, and 400m Runs.

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