Week Preview for 11/13/23

???? New Strength Cycle starts now! Working on wave loading again so remember this week should be light as we work through the 10-8-6 | 8-6-4 sets. No maxing out these sets.

???? PRs are fun so it’s time to put in some of the dirty work to get there again!

Ethan deadlift
Time to bump up those deadlift numbers ????


Strength: Push Jerk
Workout: Bike/Row/Run, Toes-to-Bar, Burpees over Bar, and a heavy Shoulder to Overhead

Strength: Deadlift
Workout: Sumo Deadlifts, Back Rack Lunges, and Russian Kettlebell Swings

Skill: Chest-to-Bar Pull Ups
Workout: Longer intervals with Cal Rowing, Box Jump Overs, and Chest-to-Bar Pull Ups

Workout: AMRAP with Situps between increasing Run distances
Skill: Handstands (Wall/Box Handstand, Freestanding, or HS Walking)

Strength: Back Squat
Workout of the Week: “Your Thighness” is a spicy couplet of Unbroken Wall Balls and Push Ups

Strength: Power Clean + Hang Power Clean
Workout: Pyramid reps of Double Unders and Hang Power Cleans with a Bike/Row/Run after each set. Solo or Partner options!

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