Week Preview 11/20/23

???? Week 2 of this wave loading cycle! Still not maxing out but adding a little load from last week.

???? To help celebrate Thanksgiving week we’ll have 3 “Workouts of the Week” so you can build up an appetite or work some of that turkey off.

???? Thursday and Friday are 9am Class Only. Grab a spot now!

JP rocking out strict handstand push ups


Strength: Push Jerk
Workout: Barbell day! EMOM of C&J, Front Squats, and Shoulder-to-Overhead

Strength: Deadlift
Workout: Rowing, Box Jumps, and Deadlifts for a “Christine” looking workout

Workout of the Week: “Shake ya Tailfeather” has reps going up and down of Dumbbell Thrusters and Pull Ups

Workout of the Week: “Turkey Trot” is a nice long AMRAP to get ready for a feast! Running, Burpees, Russian KB Swings, and Situps will get the day started

Workout of the Week: “Boom. Roasted.” includes intervals of Double Unders and Back Rack Lunges
Strength: Back Squat

Skill: Hang Power Snatches and Bar Muscle Up (or other pulling)
Workout: Cardio (row/bike/run), Hang Power Snatches, and Bar Muscle Up or Up-Down+ Pull Up

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