🔷 Fall Brawl will be Friday Night 11/12/21 from 5pm – ’til. We’ll know an end time once we know the amount of teams and volunteers for the event but the goal will be to finish before or near 8pm. There is more info on our private FB group as well as a thread to sign up with your partner. The other sign up area is on the PR board at the gym. Deadline will be Monday, November 8th.
🔷 There will be 2 Divisions: COMPETE & TRAIN. We won’t have anything too crazy in this event as it is just for fun! There will be 3 workouts for this event. Here are some of the skills needed for each division:
Pull Up
Box Jump 24/20″
DB Movements at 50/35#
Barbell Movements at 95/65# including Overhead Squat
Knee Raises
Jumping Pull Up
Box Step Up 24/20″
DB Movements at 35/25#
Barbell Movements at 75/55# (no OHS)
Working singles on the Push Jerk as we continue to build over the last weeks. Don’t go for a max today, you’ll have that chance next week. Workout is a light triplet of Hang Clean & Jerks, Strict Pull Ups, and Front Rack Lunges.
Going for a 1RM on the Snatch if you’ve tested into the Oly Total (Brown II in Weightlifting). You will have the option to test Weightlifting again if needed or you can practice the Power Snatch for when the time comes for you to go for a max. Workout is just a few rounds of 400m Runs and Overhead Squats for a quick breather after the weightlifting.
EMOM style workout today that should be lower intensity to break up this week. Double Unders, Parallette Pass Throughs, and False Grip Ring Rows. Post WOD we’ll either do Single-Leg Kettlebell Deadlifts and Alternating V-Ups or if you need to test Flexibility this will be the last opportunity to do that.
Working to a 5RM on the Bench Press then testing the Rowing category. For most this is a 20-minute row for max distance! I know this isn’t everyone’s favorite but it can be as hard or as easy as you want to make it. If you are just looking to sweat then don’t worry about leveling up and come get a good workout.
Testing Squat Endurance! This one is spicy no matter what area of the category you are on. Workout is a lower volume triplet of 200m Runs, Dumbbell Hang Snatches, and Toes-to-Bar.
Partner WOD has Power Cleans, Burpee Box Jump Overs, and Double Unders. We’ll have a quick strength session building to a heavy TNG (Touch-no-Go) triple on the Power Clean before that!