Week Preview for 10/25/21

???? Fall Brawl: Coming on Friday, November 12th.  This will be a night event starting at 5pm and lasting through 8pm or so depending on the amount of participation we have.  We will have this as a Partner Event so grab a buddy and get ready to have some fun!  As this is a just for fun event, you may partner with someone of same or opposite sex.

???? We will continue with a few Level Method Assessments this week.  Y’all have been rocking those out and leveling up so let’s keep it going!  We’re almost through this round of testing so clear that schedule and make it in for class.


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All the squats! Overhead and Front Squats going down.




Starting the week with a “just move” kind of workout that is longer.  EMOM style working through Rowing, Push Ups, and Russian Kettlebell Swings.  Post WOD accessory will have Lateral Plate Raises and Reverse Lunges.



We’re testing Group 1 on Level Method which is the Front Squat, Upper Body Pulling, and Lactic Tolerance.  A tough but fun one!



Going overhead a lot this day with the Push Jerk during strength/skill time then hitting a workout of 400m Runs and heavier Push Jerks.



Working a barbell complex of a High Hang Power Clean + High Hang Clean for strength time then we’ve got a spicy couplet of Deadlifts and Hang Squat Cleans in an AMRAP format.  Lots of barbell today if that’s your jam!



Testing the Running category today!  Not everyone’s favorite BUT we’re doing Bench Press strength work afterwards so put on your running shoes and get in class.  This will also be a good day to test Flexibility if you need to level up on that.



Partner WOD!  We’re splitting reps as needed today so 1 working and 1 resting through Power Snatches, Toes-to-Bar, and Wall Balls.  It’ll be an opportunity to challenge that snatch loading if you’re up for it.  Good news is it’s an AMRAP so you can still get a great workout with a lighter load.

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