???? Continuing the “wave loading” this week so be sure to check out your loads from last week to add a little going forward.
???? Please do not use grips on taped rig spots. They are tearing up those spots too quickly. Build up grip strength so you won’t need all that!
???? Reminder: if you play “dangerous sports” outside the gym and get an injury, we can adjust movements to give you a workout! Check out Peter in this week’s pic biking with a boot on through an ankle injury.
Strength: Bench Press
Workout: Double Unders, Wall Balls, and high Box Jumps
Skill: Bar Muscle Up or other gymnastic pulling option
Workout: Rowing (or other cardio) for a buy-in and buy-out with KB Hang Cleans and Bar Muscle Ups in the middle
Strength: Overhead Squats or Front Squats
Workout: Quick sprint with OHS/FS and a cardio choice
Workout: Longer intervals of 400m Runs, Box Step Overs, Situps, and Rope Climbs
Strength: Power Clean
Workout: EMOM of Deadlifts, Power Cleans, and Front Squats with loads increasing
Workout of the Week: “Beast of Burden” Suitcase Carry, Goblet Lunges, and Chest to Bar Pull Ups. Solo or Partner options available.