Week Preview for 10/2/23

🔷 We’re going to see a shift to wave loading in strength times for October while still focusing on the OHS/FS, Bench Press, and including the Power Clean as well. There will be a mix of MetCons keeping most moderate but some short and long as well focusing on GPP. We’ve had some focuses on shorter and longer recently to build up those abilities.

🔷 Wave Loading: This week you’ll see a lot of 10-8-6-8-6-4 which is considered 2 waves easier looked at as 10-8-6 then 8-6-4. The 2nd wave should be heavier than the 1st as we work though these strength pieces. As the month progresses, the reps will decrease while loading increases. Have fun and get strong!

Group DB Floor Press
A class working on Dumbbell Floor Press. See, not everything is barbells and burpees!


Skill: Pistol (single leg) Progressions
Workout: Intervals of Jump Rope, Cardio (Bike/Run/Row), and Max Reps of Pistols or Air Squats in remaining time

Strength: Power Clean
Workout: Hang Power Cleans (heavy), Toes-to-Bar, and Up-Downs over the Barbell

Strength: Bench Press
Workout: Intervals of Push Press and Rowing

Workout: longer EMOM with Cardio option, Strict Pulling (pull up, muscle up, negatives, etc.), DB Row options, and DB Deadbugs

Strength: Overhead Squat or Front Squat
Workout of the Week: “Formula One” Box Jump Overs along with OHS/FS

Workout: Intervals of longer Runs, Walking Lunges, and Situps. There is a finisher too if time remains!

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