Week Preview for 10/4/21

???? We will have Level Method testing opportunities this month so take a look at your LM app and be prepared for your next assessment.

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Mark, Ed, and Vi working on Deadlifts




Longer and slower paced workout to kick things off with Farmer Carries, light Hang Power Cleans, and Wall Walks.  We’ll use the strength time to practice the wall walk and build to a challenging set of hang power cleans before dropping it down for the workout.



Deadlift day!  Working doubles again and increasing from last week then hitting an old benchmark workout.  It doesn’t have a name but is a fitness level workout in your BTWB app consisting of heavy Deadlifts and Double Unders.  Short but spicy!



Testing Rings to start the day.  If your assessment is quick then use the time remaining to train for the next round of testing.  Workout has 400m Runs, Box Jumps, Chest-to-Bar Pull Ups, and Handstand Push Ups for a nice bodyweight day.



Testing Neurological &  Core Endurance so we’ll have lots of Jump Rope and Ab Mat Situps to start.  Post workout we’ll be working a new movement for shoulder strength called the Filly Press.  If you have time leftover consider testing or working on another low intensity assessment such as flexibility.



Working the pause again but now switching it over to Pause Front Squats.  Keep it light today as we’ll cruise through this part just focusing on a great position.  Workout will be Open WOD 18.2 & 18.2A which has an ascending ladder of Dumbbell Front Squats and Bar-Facing Burpees followed by a Max Load of your 1RM Clean in remaining time.



Of course we have a Partner WOD planned but we are going to hit a quick Bench Press session beforehand.  Workout will be alternating rounds of Toes-to-Bar, Push Ups, and an 80m Sprint!

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