🔷 CFBR Fall Brawl! Save the Date for Friday night, November 12th. More details to be revealed soon.
Doing a light (deload) Deadlift day followed by the Kettlebell Test for Level Method. As always, there will be other options to train besides the test! I know some are stuck at the snatches so we’ll help you get a workout. We’ll have a shot to max Deadlift soon so clean things up today and practice a great setup and keeping that bar close.
Testing Upper Body Pushing before a nice long workout. Really important to get in today if you need to test your Tabata Push Ups as we’ll be doing Upper/Lower Endurance next week and you can’t do both on the same day. Workout will be a chipper of Rowing, Wall Balls, V-Ups, and Running.
Working the Pause Front Squat again. Last week we went really light to start but push the load more this week while keeping form. The more you focus on quality here the better chance of a PR when we do the Front Squat & Lactic Tolerance test soon! Workout will be interval work of light Front Squats and Chest to Bar Pull Ups.
Bench Day hitting volume 4 x 8. Challenge as able depending on what you’ll do for the workout. WOD is an AMRAP of light Sumo Deadlift High Pulls and some variation of Handstand Push Ups. Great opportunity to practice the progression you’ll be doing in the Upper/Lower Endurance test based on how you did on Tuesday’s Upper Body Pushing test.
Lots of Snatch work! Practicing a snatch complex to kick things off and drill in good habits. Workout will be a quick couplet of light Power Snatches and Double Unders.
You guessed it, a Partner WOD! Today we’re alternating full rounds of a 200m Run, Hang Power Cleans, and Thrusters. Don’t worry though, it’s a small rep scheme so you can push the load as able and should be unbroken the whole time.