Week Preview for 10/3/22

???? Final week of Level Method Testing as we work through Group 5 at the bottom of the board.  Even if you aren’t looking to level up these are still great workouts to keep your fitness so get in class!


IMG 2739
Noah rolling through clean & jerks




Working the Hang Power Snatch for strength time then bringing the intensity for this interval MetCon.  The triplet includes Dumbbell Snatches, Dumbbell Box Step Ups, and Lateral Burpees over the Dumbbell.



Level Method Testing the Rowing category!  This is a longer row for most to test endurance.  Post WOD we’ll work up to a heavy set of 5 on the bench press.  You can also use this time to test flexibility.



Practicing the Pause Back Squat for strength time then hitting a gymnastics triplet for the WOD.  That triplet will include Strict Pull Ups, Strict Knees-to-Elbow, and Strict Ring Dips on a descending ladder.



Level Method Testing the Running category!  We have some skill work on the Snatch Grip Push Press and Overhead Squat afterwards.



Level Method Testing the API category!  This is the longer but fun interval workout to see where your capacity currently stands.  Be smart with your sets, don’t burn out early, and push where you can!



We’ve got a Deadlift ladder than increases load over each round along with Double Unders that decrease reps.  This’ll be a fun Partner WOD or we have a Solo version posted as well.

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