Week Preview for 10/17/22

???? Bring-a-Friend Week is next week 10/24-10/28.  Be on the lookout for more details to your inbox this week.  We’ll have a Google Form to send to your buddy for sign up!  This is a great opportunity for that person who has been saying they are interested to workout with you but just not sure to come and check out a class with you.


IMG 2812
Seeing all the progress with new overall levels going out!




Back Squats!  Building on a descending ladder then working another descending ladder for conditioning with Russian Kettlebell Swings, Push Ups, and Ab Mat Situps.  Little longer one but we should be able to keep moving through this one at a moderate intensity.



Working a Snatch complex for strength time to drill in technique.  MetCon is a quick couplet of 400m Runs and light Power Snatches so you can push the pace as able while still focusing on good reps on the snatch.



Bench Day working triples!  AMRAP of Pull Ups, Single Arm Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans, and Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press for a big upper body day and a chance to build volume on those pull ups.



Quality and lower intensity day working through Single Dumbbell Box Step Ups, Farmer Carries, Double Unders, and Rowing.  Post-WOD has core and lat work with Alternating V-Ups and Single-DB Bent over Rows.


Clean & Jerks for strength time!  You can also work the Power Clean if you’re wanting to go heavier there but limited by your jerk.  All barbell MetCon with an AMRAP of light Clean & Jerks and Front Squats.  Quick and spicy to end the week!



Interval work with Burpee Box Jump Overs, Dumbbell Snatches, and 200m Runs.  You can alternate rounds as a Partner WOD or we’ll get a rest time to make sense for you if going solo.


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