Week Preview for 10/24/22

???? This is Bring-a-Friend Week!  Sign up form is in your inbox and on the FB Group page.  Send the form to your friend early as we need a 24-hour notice to get them all setup.

???? Costume WOD: Saturday, October 29th.  Costumes are welcome but not mandatory so have some fun with it if you want!


IMG 1649
Ben laser focused with a barbell




Push Press for strength time.  Doing interval work for the MetCon going through Cal Rowing, Single-Arm Dumbbell Push Press, and Lunges (in place or walking).



Going lower body with the Front Squat for a solid strength session.  MetCon is a couplet of 200m Runs with Dumbbell Snatches in remaining time on a 2:00 clock.  Good news, there is a 1-minute rest between rounds too so we can keep a little intensity.



Oly day with the Hang Power Clean for strength work.  Drilling in good habits then using it again in a triplet of Hang Power Cleans, Push Ups, and Ab Mat Situps that’ll keep you breathing and moving.



Deadlift day!  If you’ve been in all week then go on feel for this one and consider practicing a reset at the bottom for next time we 1RM.  Working an AMRAP triplet for conditioning of Air Squats, Burpees, and Strict Pull Ups so you can go as easy or hard as needed.



Ending the work week with Shoulder Presses of 8 reps for strength work.  MetCon is an interval of :45 ON / :15 OFF going through Box Jump Overs, Toes-to-Bar, Russian Kettlebell Swings, and Dumbbell Push Press.



Partner (or Solo) WOD….and also Costume Day!  It’s a longer AMRAP working through Power Cleans, Front Squats, Double Unders, Dumbbell Snatches, and Feet Elevated Ring Rows.  It can be a moderate to heavy session if you’re up for it or go lighter and faster!

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