???? Warmup Reps Matter! A phrase we hear too often is, “Oh I’m just warming up.” While we (as coaches) completely understand having a few funky things happen during a warmup as you work on drills, there should be a focus on trying to do the best reps that you can on ALL movements…even the pass throughs, scap pull ups, cossack squats, etc. The next time a coach cues you during a warmup, primer, etc. know it is to help you with better movement so we don’t have to stop you during the actual workout. How you warmup is how you move so let’s get better!
???? The CFBR Open 2023 is almost here! Our main event is Friday Night Lights which is 3 events of fitness and friends starting on 2/17/23. More info to come on that soon. For now, keep up with your training so the workouts are more fun! If you have any specific skill goals to achieve by then such as double unders, toes-to-bar, pull ups, etc. reach out and we can discuss options for you to get there faster!
Going overhead with the Push Press for strength time so focus on using those legs & hips to get that barbell moving. Getting gymnasty for the MetCon with an AMRAP of Strict Handstand Push Ups, Strict Pull Ups, and Russian Kettlebell Swings.
Working a Pause Back Squat drilling in positions with time under tension. Quality is way more important than loading. MetCon is a spicy one doing a Tabata workout of Air Squats, Push Ups, V-Ups, and Burpees. Keep your standards on those!
Practicing the Power Clean for strength time then using that in a fun MetCon that is a repeat from a couple years ago. Heavy Power Cleans and 100m Runs!
Hitting a Bench Press session with a few heavy sets followed by a few burnout sets. Workout is a slower paced one with Single Dumbbell Box Step Ups, Weighted Situps, and Single-Arm Dumbbell Hang Power Clean & Jerks.
Strength period features a 3 x 5 on the Deadlift to increase a little from last week. Bringing the intensity with this short couplet of Power Snatches and Lateral Burpees over the Bar for your MetCon.
Partner WOD (or solo) working through Chest-to-Bar Pull Ups, Squat Cleans, Pull Ups, and Wall Balls with a run between each. Little longer but fun switching movements each section!