Week Preview for 1/8/24

???? 14-Day Healthy Habits Challenge kicks off now! You don’t need to sign up or anything, just check your inbox or the private FB group daily for the next day’s habit. Do the best you can and take notes on the ones that really resonate with you and put them into your daily habits!

???? We’re on Week 2 of the current cycle. You’ll again see lifting post-workout but going to 6 x 4 with a chance to increase load a little from last week.

???? Open 2024 Shirts are almost ready! This will be pre-order only so jump on it. There will be a Google Sheet in your email inbox soon with details on placing orders.

Eric hang clean
Eric here chipping through hang cleans


Benchmark Workout: “Death Row” is an EMOM of Rowing and Burpees
Finisher (optional): Banded lat push downs and banded dead bugs

Workout: Deadlifts, Pull Ups, and Box Jump Overs
Strength: Deadlift

Strength: Dips
Workout: Wall Balls, Situps, and a Cardio Choice

Skill: Rope Climb and Cycling the HPC
Workout: 200m Runs, Hang Power Cleans, and Rope Climbs

Workout: Double Unders, DB Front Rack Lunges, and DB Front Squats on an interval clock
Strength: Back Squat

Strength/Skill: Snatch and Hang Snatch
Workout: “Open WOD 13.1” with adjusted loads for current standards. Snatches and Burpees!

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