???? Kilo is our new management system for Classes and Memberships! You should’ve received an email to set a password and get logged in but if not, head to v1.usekilo.com and choose the forgot password option. Be sure to use the same email used for ZP to find your account. There is currently no app so simply add the website to your Home Screen for easy access to sign into classes.
????Week 3 of this Post-WOD Strength Cycle looking at 7×3’s this week! If you have missed some of these sessions then keep loading lighter to be appropriate.
???? Open 2024 Shirts & Crops are ready to order! Your inbox has a link to the Google Sheet for places pre-orders. Text the gym to order if you can’t find it or unable to make it work!
Strength: Power Clean + Hang Power Clean
Workout: Double Unders, Pull Ups, and heavier Power Cleans
Workout: short Cardio and Wall Balls
Strength: Back Squat
Workout: intervals of 400m Runs, Russian KB Swings, and max effort Toes-to-Bar
Skill: Handstand Push Up
Workout of the Week: Push Press (increasing load), Box Jumps (increasing height), and Up-Downs
Workout: Rowing and light Deadlifts
Strength: Deadlift
Skill: Gymnastic PullIng
Workout: Open WOD 22.3 includes Pull Ups, C2B, Bar Muscle Ups, Double Unders, and Thrusters