🔷 Happy New Year! Hope you all had fun times over the last few weeks of holidays. It’s time to get back in the gym and start the new year strong!
🔷 New Cycle Starting Now! For Strength, you’ll be seeing a change of pace with lifting happening after a quicker workout. Focus will be the Back Squat and Deadlift. For Workouts, it’s time for a last gear up for the CrossFit Open! You’ll be seeing 1 old CF Open WOD per week along with some classic benchmarks and a focus on movements most likely to come up in the Open which starts at the end of February.
Closed – check the On-The-Go workout if you want to grab a sweat
Workout: Back Squats and Toes-to-Bar
Strength: Back Squat
Workout: Run Buy-In with an AMRAP of Ring Muscle Ups, Handstand Push Ups, and Kettlebell Swings in remaining time
Skill: Turkish Get Up
Workout: quality day going through Cardio, Turkish Get Ups, Tuck-Up+V-Up, Goblet Step Ups, Box Jumps
Workout: Cardio Choice, Push Ups, and Alt DB Devil Clean
Strength: Deadlift
Strength: Push Press
Workout: Open WOD 17.5 which has Thrusters and Double Unders