Week Preview for 1/11/21

???? Stay consistent if you’re working on the 1000 Push Up Challenge!  Be smart if you do get behind and don’t do too much at any one time.

???? Registration has now opened for the CrossFit Games Open.  Visit games.crossfit.com for info and to sign up if you’d like to be on the worldwide leaderboard.  We’ll be hitting those workouts on Friday Night Lights again this year!


IMG 7816
Brandi working through push ups.




Our main focus this day is going to be on a solid triplet workout involving Squat Cleans, Strict Ring Dips, and Cal Rows.  Prior to that we’re going to drill in technique on the Squat Clean by building to a challenging triple.  Complete full body day to start the week.



This will be a more shoulder and lat intensive day depending on your movements.  We start with Deadlift strength work while taking a reset at the bottom so we’ll drill in good habits on the first pull.  Conditioning work is a shorter Ascending AMRAP of Toes-to-Bar and a light Push Press to burn the core and shoulders.



Interval work with a lower body focus.  Working on a 2:00 clock we’ll hit a 250m Row then loaded Box Step Ups in remaining time.  Take a rest then do it again!  Cash out is establishing a Max Time Dead Hang Hold.  Let’s see who can hang on the longest!



Starting with Shoulder Press strength work then a longer AMRAP of 200m Runs, Strict Pull Ups, and light Hang Power Snatches.  Building shoulder volume on this one.



Building to a heavy set of 5 on Back Squats to start.  Following that we’ll have an AMRAP of Wall Balls and Double Unders so it’ll be on you (and your goals) for which you need to attack more.  Do you need to build strength with the back squats or do you need to hit moderate loads there and push the conditioning work today??



Partner workout with descending reps (and distance) of Runs, Power Cleans, and Bar-Facing Burpees.  Choose your poison on the loading and start the weekend with a fun workout.  Put on your big boy/girl pants and let’s roll through this one.


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