Week Preview for 1/22/24

???? We’re on Week 4 of 6 for the strength cycle putting the sets at 8×2 this week. While it is meant to be heavy, stay a little more to the moderate or moderate-heavy side if you have missed some of these sessions.

???? Last Call for Open Shirts! The link to Google Sheet for orders has been sent to your inbox, text, and the FB group. Deadline is Sunday 1/21!

Kacey thruster cold day
Cold? Come do some thrusters with Kacey and you’ll warm right up.


Workout: Runs and Hang Power Cleans
Strength: Deadlift

Strength: Shoulder Press
Workout: “Open WOD 12.3” includes Box Jumps, Push Press, and Toes-to-Bar

Workout: Rows, Heavy Russian KB Swings, and Walking Lunges
Finisher: Banded Dante Rows, Single Arm KB Upright Rows, and KB Around the Worlds

Skill: Strict Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Workout: EMOM style with Cardio, Situps, and a max rep effort of Muscle Ups (or other gymnastic pulling)

Workout: Up-Downs and DB Goblet Squats
Strength: Back Squat

Workout: Hero WOD “Abbate” has longer Runs and Clean & Jerks

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