🔷 We’re on Week 4 of 6 for the strength cycle putting the sets at 8×2 this week. While it is meant to be heavy, stay a little more to the moderate or moderate-heavy side if you have missed some of these sessions.
🔷 Last Call for Open Shirts! The link to Google Sheet for orders has been sent to your inbox, text, and the FB group. Deadline is Sunday 1/21!
Workout: Runs and Hang Power Cleans
Strength: Deadlift
Strength: Shoulder Press
Workout: “Open WOD 12.3” includes Box Jumps, Push Press, and Toes-to-Bar
Workout: Rows, Heavy Russian KB Swings, and Walking Lunges
Finisher: Banded Dante Rows, Single Arm KB Upright Rows, and KB Around the Worlds
Skill: Strict Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Workout: EMOM style with Cardio, Situps, and a max rep effort of Muscle Ups (or other gymnastic pulling)
Workout: Up-Downs and DB Goblet Squats
Strength: Back Squat
Workout: Hero WOD “Abbate” has longer Runs and Clean & Jerks