Week Preview for 1/23/23

???? CFBR Open Apparel is ready for pre-order!  This is pre-order only and the deadline is Monday so make your picks today.  There are options for a shirt or tank in black, gray, or white with a Mardi Gras theme.  Link to the Google Sheet for ordering is in the warmup section of BTWB, the private FB group, your inbox, and will be texted out today too.

???? Technique Matters!  The most heard and understood reason is safety.  No one wants to get hurt exercising.  Another reason we push everyone to move their best and to continually make their best even better is to improve fitness.  When you move better, a rep will be easier so you will be able to move more efficiently, and get more work done.  That may be more reps, more load, or finishing in less time which all increasing intensity which in turn increases your fitness!

???? The CFBR Open 2023 starts with Friday Night Lights on 2/17/23.

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2023 CFBR Open Shirt shown in black. White and gray also available.
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2023 CFBR Open tank shown in white. Also available in black and gray.




Strength time has Tempo Front Squats and regular Front Squats.  Drill in good habits with the tempo work then keep building into the front squats.  Simple and effective MetCon to finish it off with Dumbbell Snatches and 200m Runs.



Level Method Testing with the Aerobic Power Intervals (API).  As always with testing, we can adjust things if you’re not quite ready to test again.  Sign in and show up, we’ll chat and take care of your needs.



Working the Bench Press for strength time with triples.  Keeping things simple and effective after the high volume API test.  We’ve got an AMRAP of Strict Pull Ups, Strict Ab Mat Situps, and Double Unders.  Challenge the pull ups to build volume and strength there!  We also have a cash out of Tabata Push Ups to get ready for the next test there too.



Interval work with Rowing and Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunges.  Solid training piece here that you can adjust as needed since we have another re-test tomorrow.  Accessory work has Hanging L-Sits.



Open WOD 20.1 which has Ground-to-Overheads and Bar-Facing Burpees.  The G2OH may be a Clean & Jerk or Snatch.  We’ll take strength time to practice those lifts then hit this spicy MetCon!



Partner WOD!  Somewhat of a decreasing ladder with Runs along with Pull Ups, Pistols, Deadlifts, and Cleans.  High skill and heavy barbell for a fun one to kick off the weekend.


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