???? We’re heading into Week 3 of the current strength cycle. You’ll see 6-4-2 / 4-3-2 in these waves as we’re getting into a heavier week! Focus on those initial lifts and proper bracing as we’ll have a chance to 1RM before you know it.
Strength: Deadlift
Benchmark Workout: “Diane” is a quick one with Deadlifts and Handstand Push Ups
Workout: Long EMOM with Cardio, Strict Pull Ups, and Toes-to-Bar
Strength: Push Jerk
Workout: Shoulder-to-Overhead, Box Jump Overs, and Wall Balls
Skill: Muscle Up (or other gymnastic pulling)
Workout: 200m Runs and Muscle Ups
Strength: Back Squat
Benchmark Workout: “Point Break” Front Squats and Bar-Facing Burpees
Workout: Double Unders, V-Ups, and Sumo Deadlifts with a couple Runs hidden in there. Solo or Partner versions available!