???? While this is a DELOAD WEEK for Strength sessions, the Workouts will be plenty to get excited about!
???? CFBR Christmas Party is on Saturday, December 16th and will be at the gym. We’ll email out more details soon but plan to come by that night for snacks and beverages.
Skill: Rope Climb
Workout: Rope Climbs, Burpees, and Shuttle Runs
Strength: Deadlift
Workout: Double Unders, Wall Balls, and light Deadlifts
Strength: Push Jerk
Workout: Toes-to-Bar and heavy Push Jerks
Quality Workout: Cardio Options, KB Suitcase Split Squats, Russian KB Swings, Single Arm KB Floor Press, Hand-Release Push Ups
Strength: Back Squat
Workout: Long Row buy-in with an AMRAP of light Thrusters, Up-Downs over the Barbell, and Situps in remaining time
Benchmark Workout: “Supersonic” is a lot of rounds of heavy Power Cleans, Box Jump Overs, and Chest-to-Bar Pull Ups
Strength: building to a heavy complex of Clean + Hang Clean which can be power or squat/full variations