???? 9am ONLY on Monday for Labor Day. Get signed in now as there are only 20 spots.
Good longer partner workout to kick off the holiday. This is a longer run plus barbell day. You’ll have an 800m run with your partner followed by a new movement each interval starting with the Overhead Squat, then Clean & Jerks, and finally Deadlifts.
Working 10’s on the Back Squat. Great day to prep for the 20RM that will be coming up before long. Simple triplet of Strict Pull Ups, Lunges, and Ab Mat Situps on an AMRAP format so you can hit the squats as hard as needed.
Level Method Testing the Upper Body Push and Kettlebell categories. If not ready to test either, come in anyway to get in some work for next time!
Getting in a longer, quality workout with 500m Rows, Strict Knees-to-Elbow, Farmer Carries, and Box Jumps. Core cash out with hollow rocks.
Practicing the Clean for strength time then getting intensity with the Thruster and Bar-Facing Burpee. We’ll be doing 2 descending ladders of this with a nice rest between to keep intensity.
Partner WOD has Double Unders, Pull Ups, Box Jump Overs, and Strict Ring Dips. Longer AMRAP and splitting reps to keep working through these rounds.