Week Preview for 8/1/22

???? Starting a new month!  Time to dial things back in after a fun summer.  Go make those class reservations now and get on track.


IMG 2360
Happy Birthday to my wonderful wife Amanda!




Working a clean complex in strength time to dial in that bar path.  Conditioning is an interval workout with light Power Cleans, Overhead Squats, and Cal Rows.  Great day to get some practice and volume.



Shoulder Press for strength work then we’ve got a triplet of 200m Runs, heavier Push Jerks, and Toes-to-Bar.  Focus on that bar path during the presses!



Working Front Squat triples for strength time.  The MetCon is a simple and effective one so push the loading as able.  That couplet will be Russian Kettlebell Swings and Burpees on a descending ladder.



Little longer AMRAP for conditioning with the Strict Pull Up, Single-Arm Dumbbell Hang Snatches, and Ab Mat Situps.  Build some pulling strength and get a sweat with the rest.  Post-WOD work has Hip Extensions, Hollow Rocks, and Russian Twists.



Working the Bench Press with an option to build up to singles.  Great conditioning day with Double Unders, Box Jumps, and Dumbbell Push Presses.



Partner WOD!  Splitting reps as needed with your partner on an increasing ladder of Wall Balls, Deadlifts, and Pull Ups.  This one will get spicy in the later rounds so don’t get too excited early!

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