Week Preview for 6/13/22

???? Thank you to everyone who was able to make it out on Saturday night to celebrate our CrossFit BR 10-Year Anniversary!  I hope you all had a great time and now we get to sweat it all out.


???? LMNT is now in stock as a new hydration supplement.  I tested one out on Sunday to help after our anniversary celebration and it does the job for sure!  There are a ton of flavors to choose from to keep it exciting too.


IMG 3808
Our coaches pic at the 10-Year Anniversary!




Getting some push and pull in for strength time with Bench Press and Strict Pull Ups.  Conditioning is a spicy ascending ladder of Power Cleans and Lateral Burpees over the Bar.  If you did have a little too much fun at the party Saturday, it’s only 8 minutes so you can go light and slow just to sweat things out.



Going a little longer in today’s MetCon with a triplet of Box Jump Overs, Single-Arm Dumbbell Push Press, and Ab Mat Situps.  Post WOD strength features the Single-Leg Kettlebell Deadlift and Ring Support Holds at the top and bottom.



Working triples on the Front Squat and this is a great day to push the strength if able as we have a bodyweight AMRAP for conditioning.  That triplet is going to be 200m Runs, Push Ups, and Air Squats.



Snatch skill work complex for the strength period.  Drill in good habits here then we’ll keep practicing in the MetCon.  We’re working on an interval clock with Cal Rowing and Power Snatches.  Take your time on the snatches there and keep quality under fatigue.



Practicing the Push Jerk for strength work.  Work on feeling your legs and hips do the work to launch the bar off of your shoulders.  MetCon is a two-part descending ladder of Toes-to-Bar and light Push Jerks.  See if you can push the pace here, rest, and repeat.



Partner WOD!  We have a Squat Clean ladder of increasing load along with 400m Runs.  You’ll run together but chip through the clean reps splitting them as needed.


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