Week Preview for 3/15/21

🔷 Open WOD 21.2 is this Friday!  We’ll have the current standings posted on Monday for our team event.  Get signed in now for your Friday class or the night event.


IMG 7226
Dusty getting inverted for a wall walk during Open WOD 21.1




Hitting deadlift strength work then a full body triplet of Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunges, Push Ups, and Toes-to-Bar. Good start to the week as we’ll have some higher loadings and intensity then taper off before Friday Night Lights.



Going overhead with the Push Press for strength work then an interval workout of Hang Power Snatches and Lateral Burpees over the Bar.  Higher intensity on 2:00 cycles with a break between.



We need to start preparing for what kind of madness could happen on Friday so hitting a quick Back Squat session of 3 x 8 then a short AMPAP of Pull Ups, light Thrusters, and Double Unders.  You can pace as needed to be ready for the rest of the week there.



Practicing the Power Clean + Jerk to move the barbell then pure conditioning with a Run & Row partner workout.  We want to sweat today but not go too crazy with Friday’s workout being unknown still.



Open WOD 21.2 – will be announced Thursday night at 7pm on the CrossFit Games YouTube channel and website.



To be announced once we know the Friday Night Lights workout!

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