???? Great job on 23.2A and 23.2B! Remember to log those scores if you’re signed up with HQ and also in your BTWB app. One more week of the Open finishing up this Friday so go get signed in now if you can make it.
???? Same as the last couple weeks, get some intensity on Monday & Tuesday then start to taper down on things that will leave you sore later in the week. 23.3 is announced at 2pm on Thursday for our Friday workout.
???? FNL Theme for Week 3 is a Hat Party! Wear any type of hat you’d like. Big, small, huge, funky, whatever!
???? Team Open Standings after Week 2 below. Full details: Team Scoring
Endymion: 325
Bacchus: 297
Rex: 236
Working the Deadlift for strength time followed by an interval couplet of Strict Handstand Push Ups and Double Unders.
Longer conditioning intervals working through Rowing, Double Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunges, and Runs. Post-WOD strength has Weighted Strict Pull Ups.
Practicing the Power Clean & Push Jerk for strength time. MetCon is an ascending ladder of Box Jumps and light Push Jerks.
Simple triplet of 200m Runs, Ring Rows, and Russian Kettlebell Swings. Good one to cruise through before 23.3 tomorrow. Post-WOD has Tempo Goblet Squats and Hollow Rocks.
23.3 TBA! Check the Games site or youtube at 2pm on Thursday for the announcement.
TBA once we know the 23.3 Open WOD.