Week Preview for 12/26/22

???? We hope you all had a Merry Christmas and were able to relax a little between the festivities!  We have some great workouts this week that will allow you to get back in at your pace so we can hit the new year off on the right foot.  So no worries if you’ve missed a few days, come on in and get moving instead of waiting.

???? Holiday Schedule:  9am Only on Monday 12/26 and Monday 1/2.

CFBR Christmas Logo
Merry Christmas!




Multiple AMRAP cycles of Russian Kettlebell Swings, Lunges, and Burpees with a quick rest between cycles.  Fun Post-WOD Accessory/Test practicing a few sets of Max Effort Dead Hang.  Come sweat out your Christmas feast!



Shoulder Press strength work followed by interval work of Hang Power Snatches, Ab Mat Situps, and Cal Rowing.  Another interval day for those who may have had an extra plate or two over the weekend so you can cruise if needed.



Bringing back some heavier loading and intensity.  Back Squat doubles for strength work followed by a couplet of Wall Balls and Pull Ups on a descending rep scheme.



Practicing the Power Clean & Push Jerk with triples for strength/skill time then hitting an interval workout of 400m Runs and those Clean & Jerks.



Slower paced MetCon that’ll feel more like a strength session with Double Dumbbell Sumo Deadlifts, Double Dumbbell Box Step Ups, and Push Ups.  Core Cash-Out afterwards with Hollow Rocks, Russian Twists, and Alternating V-Ups.



Partner WOD splitting reps as you work through Box Jump Overs, Toes-to-Bar, and Hang Power Cleans.  Spicy triplet to end the year!


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