Week Preview for 12/23/19


???? Holiday Hours:  9am only on Christmas Eve.  Closed Christmas Day.

???? Get ready for a nutrition challenge kicking off in the New Year!  More details coming soon in the FB group.

???? Winter gear is available in the online apparel store!  Go check it out here:  http://crossfitbr.mdiapparel.com

IMG 3271
Aaron working through Clean & Jerks during the 12 Days of Christmas Workout


MON: Clean & Jerk complex to start the week then an AMRAP of Push Ups, Strict Knees to Elbow, and Russian KB Swings.

TUE: Partner WOD at 9am (only class)! ????????‍♀️ Runs, Squats, and Ground to Overhead.  Good sweat to get into the holiday.

WED:  Closed.  Merry Christmas! ????

THUR: We know you may have eaten a little much yesterday so strength work is Bench Press and Strict Pull Ups.  Easing you back into with that then an AMRAP of Single Arm DB Work (hang clean  & jerks and overhead lunges), Short Runs, and Rows.  Move and sweat it out!

FRI: Back Squat strength work then rounds of Double Unders and Sumo Deadlift High Pulls.

SAT: PARTNER WOD is a 2-parter today!  Good stuff happening with Runs, Wall Balls, Pull Ups, Rowing, and Lateral Burpees over the Rower.

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