Week Preview for 12/16/19


🔷 Holiday Hours:  9am only on Christmas Eve.  Closed Christmas Day.

🔷 New Product: O2 Plus is now in stock! $4/per can (+tax).

🔷 Winter gear is available in the online apparel store!  Go check it out here:  http://crossfitbr.mdiapparel.com

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Brandi working through clean & jerks on Open WOD 20.4


MON: Kicking off the week with Front Squat strength then an AMRAP of Pull Ups, light Power Cleans, and Weighted Lunges.  

TUE: Practicing big sets of Push Press for strength time then rounds of 400m Runs 🏃🏻‍♀️, Box Jump Overs, and Russian Twists.

WED:  OLY day practicing 🏋🏻‍♂️ Snatches!  Fun complex then finding a heavy triple from the hang.  Finisher is a 1k Row.

THUR: Longer AMRAP with 200m Runs, Farmer Carries, Sit-ups, and Ring Rows.

FRI: Interval Conditioning work with Rowing, Deadlifts, and Burpees.

SAT: 12 Days of 🎄 Christmas!  We’ll have a video up in the private FB group explaining this one for those new to it.

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