Week Preview for 12/2/19


???? CFBR ???? Christmas Party ???? on Saturday, December 7th.  6pm at The Bulldog.  RSVP to Dwayne if you hadn’t.  Info in FB group and your email. 

???? Winter gear is available in the online apparel store!  Go check it out here:  http://crossfitbr.mdiapparel.com

IMG 2984
A-Rod working on some push jerks in class


MON: Finding a heavy(ish) set of 5 on Deadlifts then a good looking AMRAP of Wall Balls and 200m Runs.

TUE: Push Press strength work building with 5s, 3s, and 1s then a short couplet of Power Cleans and Pull Ups.

WED: Weightlifting Day with an EMOM of Hang Snatches and Snatches then a finisher of DB Box Step Ups.

THUR: Gymnastics and conditioning work starting with Strict Handstand Push Ups then an EMOM with Double Unders, Handstand Walks, V-Ups, and Rowing.

FRI: Front Squat triples then a nice triplet of Runs, DB Thrusters, and Lateral Burpees that will get you fitter.

SAT: Partner WOD! Gymnastics and barbell work coming at you. ????

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