???? Schedule: Closed Thursday. 1 Class Friday at 9am. Sign up for classes early this week as we will cancel any that are unneeded such as Wednesday night if many are prepping and/or traveling.
???? Next event is our Christmas Party ???? on Saturday, December 7th. 6pm at The Bulldog. We’ll have info out soon to RSVP.
???? There’s a Turkey Trot 5k on Thanksgiving morning if you want to catch a run before feasting. Gym will be closed on Thursday for Thanksgiving.
???? Winter gear is coming soon (12/1) to the online apparel store. Thanks for taking the gear survey! Plenty of fall apparel in there currently for our moderately chilly days.
MON: Starting the week with a 5×3 Back Squat at a moderate to challenging loading then hitting a workout with 400m Runs, DB Snatch, and Toes-to-Bar.
TUE: This will be your Weightlifting day this week. Working a Clean & Jerk complex then heavy singles. Finishing with a super short 6-Minute AMRAP of Burpee Strict Pull Ups.
WED: Conditioning Intervals going 3:00 x 5 cycles of Heavy Russian KB Swing, Air Squats, and Ab Mat Situps. Great sweat before the holiday. Finishing with Push Up volume sets.
THUR: Closed – go hit the Turkey Trot 5k in Downtown BR.
FRI: One Class at 9am today. Grab a spot early this week! Teams of 3 working Rows, Box Jump Overs, and light Hang Clean & Jerks. Come work out even if you made great decisions on Thursday.
SAT: Partner WOD! Lots of DB Work including Front Squats, Deadlifts, Push Jerks, and Front Rack Lunges along with runs together.