???? We just started a new month so keep on it and get on the Committed Club list!
Practicing the Power Clean & Push Jerk for strength time followed by 2 separate AMRAP couplets. Working through light Push Press and Front Rack Lunges then light Clean & Jerks and Air Squats. They’ll keep you moving to start the week!
Cruising through the MetCon first with 400m Runs, Single-Arm Russian Kettlebell Swings, and Alternating V-Ups. Post WOD accessory strength has Strict Pull Ups and Alternating Bicep Curls.
Strength time features the Overhead Squat building on triples. MetCon is light and spicy with Power Snatches, Overhead Squats, and Lateral Burpees over the Bar.
Bench Press strength day followed by a lower intensity workout with Suitcase + Waiter Carry, 200m Runs, Hollow Rocks, and Box Jumps.
Hero WOD “Holleyman” has Wall Balls, Handstand Push Ups, and heavy Power Cleans.
Working through Toes-to-Bar, Rowing, and Double Unders. This one can be a Partner WOD or solo.