Week Preview for 11/22/21

???? Schedule Note:  Closed on Thursday for Thanksgiving.  9am Only on Friday.  Get signed in early if you are coming on Wednesday night too as we know that can be a travel time for some and we will close if no interest in a class time.

???? CFBR Christmas Party will be the night of Saturday, December 11th.  Save the date for now and we’ll have more info out soon!  No decorating until after Thanksgiving.  ????


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Paul working through WOD 3 at 2021 CFBR Fall Brawl




Continuing to build on the Front Squats we’ve been doing and going to 4’s and 3’s now.  Compare to last week and make an increase in load.  Workout has Double Dumbbell Front Squats and Burpee Pull Ups for a nice full body day.



Going overhead along with some cardio.  Strength will have a few options featuring a pause.  Most advanced will be a Split Jerk with Pause in the overhead position.  This is a great way to feel your receiving position as well as have time under tension to build strength.  Workout will have Push Press, Push Jerk, and 400m Runs.



Working a complex of Hang Power Clean + Hang Clean for strength time.  Build to something heavy for the day!  WOD is a shorter couplet of Deadlifts and Toes-to-Bar which will be a fun but challenging grippy and midline workout.



No Classes Today as we’ll be heading out for the Turkey Trot 5K in downtown Baton Rouge to earn those turkeys!  Hit a run or light at-home workout if you can’t make it.  Happy Thanksgiving!



Shaking off those turkeys with an opportunity to hit a heavy single Hang Snatch.  We’ve been working drills the last few weeks so let’s see if we can add 5# to that last PR.  If you over-indulged then add some sets at whatever load is comfortable today!  Workout is a quick couplet of Dumbbell Snatches and Push ups.



Partner WOD will feature Chest-to-Bar Pull Ups, Rowing, and Double Unders.  Decreasing reps over a few rounds and the good news is you are splitting reps as needed so you should get some nice rest in there on this longer workout.


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