🔷 Get ready for the 2020 Fall Brawl starting next week! This will be a “Friday Night Lights” type event over 3 weeks. Save the dates for 10/16, 10/23, and 10/30 for some fitness and fun on Friday night. WODs are prepared and will be announced soon!
Working a complex of Power Snatch + Overhead Squats then a chipper workout of Rowing, light Hang Power Snatches, Chest to Bar Pull Ups, and a Run to finish.
Practicing sets of 10 on Push Jerk with Touch-n-Go reps for skill work. Conditioning is multiple AMRAPs of Single-Arm Russian Kettlebell Swings, Burpees, and Ab Mat Situps.
Back Squat strength on descending reps. Interval work on a “Diane” feel doing sets of Deadlift then max reps of Strict Handstand Push Ups with time remaining.
400m Runs and light Thrusters. Simple and effective; this workout gets you fitter.
Power Clean singles then a grippy and midline workout of Farmer Carries, Dumbbell Snatches, and Toes-to-Bar.
Partner WOD is a longer AMRAP of Box Jump Overs, Strict Pull Ups, Wall Balls, and Double Unders. You’ll be splitting reps as needed on this one.