Week Preview for 10/14/19


???? We’re tackling Open 20.2 at Friday Night Lights again at 6pm!  

???? It’s cooling down so take a look at our online store for fall gear.  We’ve also sent out a Winter Survey for garments you’d like to see for the real cold we get in a couple months.  Here’s link to survey: https://mdiapparel.typeform.com/to/lL3hoq

???? Your programming during the 5 weeks of the Open can be challenging as we do not know what the Friday workout will be.  Watch your volume and intensity on movements that will leave you super sore starting on Wednesdays.  I will be programming the heavier or higher volume work on Monday & Tuesday each week and begin to taper off some starting on Wednesdays.  Everyone is different though so adjust as needed.

???? We’re doing “Weightlifting Wednesdays” each week of the Open where we’ll really break down some drills and pieces of a movement in the warmup then give ample time for practicing that movement.  Point of these sessions will be getting more moderate to light loading barbell work not in a metcon so you can drill in good habits.

Shawn during 20.1 at Friday Night Lights


MON: Chipper action to start the week!  All 3 levels will look a little different but mainly Rowing, Pull Ups, Box Jump Overs, OHS, HSPU, and Muscle Ups.

TUE: Pressing work with Shoulder Press and Push Press then longer conditioning day with 400m Runs, Push Ups (low volume), and Russian KB Swings.

WED: ????????‍♂️Weightlifting Wednesday!  Doing a bunch of Clean work then Back Squats if you leave yourself some time. 

THUR: Lighter conditioning day with a rest built in after each round.  KB Work (options of snatch, 1-arm swings, or Russian swings), Box Step Ups, Double Unders, and Rowing.

FRI: Open WOD 20.2 will be announced online at 7pm Thursday night.  Tune in to the Rogue Iron Game feed to watch.  5am, 6am, and 9am classes will be doing this workout in 2 groups then we have Friday Night Lights in heats beginning at 6pm.  Please sign in early so we can plan classes and FNL.

SAT: TBD based on what 20.2 brings us.

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