Week Preview for 1/31/22

???? The Open starts on 2/25!  Check FB group and email on Monday for details on signing up to participate.  This is all just for fun so it doesn’t matter what level you’re at!  We have fun in the gym for 3 Friday Night Lights events.


IMG 0868
Robby climbing the rope.




Getting in a few runs and a good bit of overhead work to kick off the week. Fun workout as we go from Shoulder Press to Push Press and finally the Push Jerk as we build volume with a light load.



Working up to a 3 rep max on the Deadlift!  Conditioning will be a nice little couplet of Wall Balls and Pull Ups to bring some intensity this day.



Working a Snatch Complex as a primer then practicing singles to finish things off.  Workout will be a quick couplet of Hang Power Cleans and Lateral Burpees over the Bar to keep that heart rate up the whole time here.



Starting with an AMRAP of Toes-to-Bar, Box Jump Overs, and Double Unders to keep moving for conditioning and skill work.  Post WOD has booty work of Hip Extensions, Monster Walks, and Weighted Glute Bridges.



Back Squats during strength time but this is a deload week so going 3 x 5 at a moderate load.  Workout is a potentially nasty interval of Cal Rows and Thrusters.  If you’re feeling good you can really push the pace here!



Longer Partner WOD on an AMRAP format where you’ll be alternating full rounds.  The triplet has 100m Runs, a heavier Power Clean, and Strict Pull Ups.  Should be short rounds you can push through and get a decent rest to keep moving again.





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