Week Preview for 1/17/22

???? This is the time of year when we’ll start having some very cold early mornings but the evenings could be nice weather. If we do have runs planned, a row, bike, or other movement may be subbed as needed if the weather is unbearable.


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Dusty rocking out some toes-to-bar in this WOD




Kicking things off with a heavier Push Press session followed by a conditioning triplet. This workout gives a great opportunity to practice a HSPU variation along with the KB Swing progression you may test next time we’re on assessments.  This one also has 200m Runs for a nice break.  If it is super cold in the morning, you’ll have the option to sub a Row or Bike if needed.



Continuing the volume on Back Squats this week with a 4×8.  Hopefully you have a better idea now of loading to use and can work across.  Increase slightly from last week if able or hold for all sets.  Workout is slower and mainly accessory with an interval of Strict Pull Ups, Single Dumbbell Box Step Ups, and Double Unders.



Olympic lifting day with Hang and full Snatches for lots of practice.  Workout is a short and challenging triplet of Clean & Jerks and Lateral Burpees over the Bar.  Higher intensity day here but easily adjusted if you’ve been out.



Practicing heavy Deadlifts with low volume.  Not going for a max yet on this cycle but just quality and heavy sets.  Another high intensity but short couplet today with Wall Balls and Toes-to-Bar.



Longer workout day with 400m Runs and Single-Arm Dumbbell Hang Snatches.  We’ve had a couple short days so time to keep that heart rate up for longer and build volume in conditioning.  Strength time has volume sets on the Bench Press!



Interesting Partner WOD today that has Rope Climbs, Tire Flips, and Thrusters!  We’ll adjust the rope climbs and tire flips as needed.  The thrusters will be increasing load every round so a fun challenge there.  Great news is you are splitting reps as needed with your partner so can help each other out where able.



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