???? Check your email for RSVP info on the CFBR 10-Year Anniversary Party! Deadline is 6/1 so we can get in the head count for food. Menu and party are going to be a great night to celebrate!
“Murph” as we remember those who gave all this Memorial Day. Separate post has all of the adjustment options.
Recovery focus not for time moving through Power Cleans, Box Step Ups, Suitcase Carries, and Strict Ab Mat Situps. Post WOD accessory has Hip Extensions and Monster Walks.
Working the Power Snatch for strength time doing triples for technique work. Conditioning is an interval of Cal Rows, Single-Arm Dumbbell Push Press, and Burpee Box Jump Overs.
Bench Day! Hitting bench press for strength then a quick triplet of 400m Runs, Strict Knees-to-Elbow, and Russian Kettlebell Swings.
Getting back on squatting with the Front Squat for strength. Quick chipper of Clean & Jerks, Double Unders, and Front Squats for some barbell fun.
Partner WOD! Working together through an AMRAP of Pull Ups, Dumbbell Snatches, and Single-Arm Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunges.