???? 12 Days of CrossFit BR WOD is coming on Christmas Eve! Wear something red or green if you can.
???? Holiday Schedule: 9am Only on Monday 12/26 and Monday 1/2.
Practicing the Hang Power Snatch with triples for strength time then hitting an ascending ladder of light Hang Power Snatches and Wall Balls.
Working heavy Deadlift singles then a fun couplet of Burpee Strict Pull Ups and a short 100m Run.
Bench Day building load on a descending ladder for strength time. Bodyweight triplet of Double Unders, Lunges, and Strict Ab Mat Situps to finish off with conditioning.
Hitting a Clean Complex for strength time for practice then we’ve got interval work. Power Cleans, Push Jerks, and Box Jumps on AMRAP Cycles will keep you moving and breathing heavy.
Back Squat volume for strength work then a simple and effective couplet of 400m Runs and Dumbbell Snatches.
Partner WOD alternating full rounds of Toes-to-Bar, Push Ups, and Cal Rowing on a longer AMRAP clock to kick off your weekend!