???? More holidays are on the way but that doesn’t mean it’s time to slack off on your training. We’ve had some great training over the last weeks and months so keep that momentum going through the end of the year. It is normal and good to change your intensity level on certain days depending on how you’re feeling. As always, our coaches are here to help you adjust workouts to fit your needs of that day!
???? We’ll have a group running the Turkey Trot 5k on Thanksgiving morning so go sign up if interested in a quick run before eating too much.
Tempo Front Squats followed by an ascending ladder of Med Ball Cleans and Push Press. Short and spicy to start the week!
Gymnastics EMOM of String Ring Dips and Pistols then a longer workout with Runs, Ring Rows, Box Jumps, and Burpees.
We’ll be doing Hero WOD “DT” in honor of Veterans Day. Barbell workout with Deadlifts, Hang Power Cleans, and Push Jerks.
Skill time with Double Unders and Bar Muscle Ups then a Tabata workout including Air Squats, Hollow Rocks, Cal Row, and Hanging L-Sit.
Snatch work then a higher volume triplet of light Hang Power Snatch, Push Ups, and 400m Runs.
Partner WOD with 500m Rows, Wall Balls, and Ab Mat Situps.