Week Preview for 11/4/19


🔷 Final week of the Open! 20.5 at Friday Night Lights on 11/8/19.

🔷 Go log those 20.4 scores in the Games website if you’re signed up and hadn’t yet.  Scoring closes at 7pm on Mondays.

🔷 Winter gear is coming soon to the online apparel store.  Thanks for taking the gear survey!  Plenty of fall apparel in there currently for our moderately chilly days.

🔷 This is the last “Weightlifting Wednesday” for the Open Season.  We may continue this but switch up the days.  Let me know what you thought whether good or bad so we can plan more or less.

George on 20.3 with Rahul judging and helping him through


MON: Starting the week with Front Squats then getting gymnasty with T2B, C2B, and Box Jump Overs.

TUE: Putting in volume on the shoulders with light S2OH and short Runs then accessory gymnastics work of Push Ups and Hollow Rocks.

WED: 🏋🏻‍♂️Weightlifting Wednesday!  Snatch day starting with a Snatch High Pull + Power Snatch complex then 3-Position Snatch.  Look back at what you did on the first week of the Open for Weightlifting Wednesday so you can compare back.  Strength accessory work with Good Mornings and DB Rows to finish.

THUR: Conditioning work (but it’s only 2 rounds!).  Longer row, situps, burpees, and a short run followed by rest.  Get a sweat and be ready for whatever 20.5 is on Friday.

FRI: Open WOD 20.5 will be announced online at 7pm Thursday night.  5am, 6am, and 9am classes will be doing this workout in 2 groups then we have Friday Night Lights in heats beginning at 6pm.  Please sign in early so we can plan classes and FNL.

SAT: TBD based on what 20.5 brings us.

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