???? Happy Thanksgiving! There will be No Class on Thursday. Friday will have a 9am ONLY. Regular schedule besides that unless we see Wednesday evening quiet we will post in the FB group and cancel empty classes. Sign up now for your classes to get a spot!
???? There is still a FitBit in the lost and found. Reach out if you’re missing that!
Snatching with triples and doubles for skill/strength then the workout is a pyramid of 400m Runs, light Power Snatches, and Overhead Squats.
Shoulder Press strength work then a gymnasty triplet of Strict Pull Ups, Push Ups, and Double Unders to build volume.
Deadlift strength work with the opportunity to Level Method test. Chipper workout following with a Row, Wall Balls, and Target Burpees.
NO CLASS. Go run the Turkey Trot 5k in downtown BR or go run 20-30 minutes on your own.
Partner AMRAP with Dumbbell Snatches and Box Jump Overs. Find someone who ate as much as you did and you’ll alternate rounds so there’s plenty of rest.
Chipping through barbell and gymnastics with a partner. We’ve got Squat Cleans, Hang Clean & Jerks, Power Cleans, and Toes-to-Bar to kick off your weekend!