???? Week 2 Fall Brawl scores will post early this week. Another great night so let’s finish strong this week. Go sign in now for Week 3 (and your regular classes)!
???? This Saturday (10/31) is a Bring a Friend Day! Send me their name, email, and phone so I can set them up while space allows.
???? Monday is the Deadlift for our New Apparel!! Fall Brawl and Winter Gear: https://wodmerch.com/collections/crossfit-br
Heavy Thrusters for strength then a light and fast AMRAP of Front Squats and Double Unders
Shoulder Press strength work then a Kettlebell Workout with Russian KB Swings, Single-Arm KB Hang Power Cleans, and Single-Arm KB Push Press.
Deadlift strength then a triplet of 200m Runs, Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunges, and Pull Ups.
Power Snatch doubles for a little strength/skill work then an EMOM style workout of Cal Rows, Upper Body Pushing (Strict HSPU / Push Up), and Box Jumps.
Week 3 of Fall Brawl! We’ve got Nancy’s Naughty Niece and Angry Annie. Video with full details will post to the private FB group early in the week.
Partner WOD with Air Squats, Russian Kettlebell Swings, and Dumbbell Push Press.