Meet The Client – George

Client Highlight: George Davis

Some of you know George from our evening classes.  He is newer to CrossFit BR but seemed to fit right in and appreciate how we do things.  Here’s a little more about George below.

George working through ground to overhead on 20.1

1) What got you into CrossFit?

For a few years I stayed active in traditional weightlifting. Bench day, back day, leg day, eventually they all became a routine and I became bored. I decided to take a chance at something challenging and out of my comfort zone. That led me to CrossFit BR. 

2) What is a fitness accomplishment you’re most proud of?

I am most proud of my pull-up progression since I have been in CrossFit. For years I did lat pull downs and various movements thinking it would help me get to the magic number 10 on pull ups. Starting CrossFit I could only do 3 and 3 months in I progressed to 10 with the help of the awesome coaching staff. ????

3) How do you stay motivated to continue training?

I believe my drive in motivation comes from my daughter. If I stop trying to be the best me I can be what does that tell her. Leading by example is my foundation of parenting. So staying active, setting goals and becoming successful in all aspects of life is what keeps me motivated. Some day I hope to lead her into the same gym to begin her own fitness journey.

Repping out deadlifts during the 20.3 workout
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