Week Preview for 9/30/24

🔷 Getting into a new month this week and the weather is still great! Keep hitting those workouts.

group class pic


Strength: Back Squat
Workout: DB Push Press, Air Squat, 200m Run

Strength: Power Snatch
Workout: EMOM of Power Snatch, Double Under, Strict Pull Up, and Ab Mat Situp

Strength 1: Bench Press, Weighted Reverse Lunge
Strength 2: RDL, Strict Ring Dip
Core Finisher: Alt V-Up, Russian Twist

Workout: Rowing, Plate Ground to Overhead, and Box Jump

Strength: Hang Power Clean
Workout: Toes-to-Bar, Hang Power Clean

Strength: Push Press
Workout: Push Jerk, Overhead Squat, Run

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