???? Intensity & Volume: these are things that can be pushed more the longer you have been training and also when you’re training consistently. If you are newer, out for a bit, or just unable to train consistently due to your current schedule then be smart with your workout choices. Communicate with your coach and we’ll help you make a choice for the day and help you adjust along the way as needed.
???? Wednesday features another Functional Strength Day so book those classes now!
Strength: Deadlift
Workout: Med Ball Clean and Push Up on stations so you choose the pace
Strength: Hang Snatch
Workout: Ascending ladder(s) of Hang Power Snatch and Box Jump Overs. More intensity on a short clock, and you’re doing it twice!
Strength 1: Bench Press & Romanian Deadlift
Strength 2: Bulgarian Split Squat & Strict Pull Up
Finisher: Hanging L-Sit
Workout: longer and slower with Farmer Carry, Running, Strict Situp, and Plate Ground to Overhead
Accessory: use remaining time for Foam Rolling calves, quads, lats, etc.
Strength: Back Squat
Workout: short and sweet with intensity using the DB Snatch and Lateral Burpee over DB
Strength: Clean & Jerk (singles yay!)
Workout: Toes-to-Bar, Rowing, and Double Under