Week Preview for 8/12/24

???? Intensity & Volume: these are things that can be pushed more the longer you have been training and also when you’re training consistently. If you are newer, out for a bit, or just unable to train consistently due to your current schedule then be smart with your workout choices. Communicate with your coach and we’ll help you make a choice for the day and help you adjust along the way as needed.

???? Wednesday features another Functional Strength Day so book those classes now!

Tony workout review
We review each workout as a group to discuss goals and adjustments for the day.


Strength: Deadlift
Workout: Med Ball Clean and Push Up on stations so you choose the pace

Strength: Hang Snatch
Workout: Ascending ladder(s) of Hang Power Snatch and Box Jump Overs. More intensity on a short clock, and you’re doing it twice!

Strength 1: Bench Press & Romanian Deadlift
Strength 2: Bulgarian Split Squat & Strict Pull Up
Finisher: Hanging L-Sit

Workout: longer and slower with Farmer Carry, Running, Strict Situp, and Plate Ground to Overhead
Accessory: use remaining time for Foam Rolling calves, quads, lats, etc.

Strength: Back Squat
Workout: short and sweet with intensity using the DB Snatch and Lateral Burpee over DB

Strength: Clean & Jerk (singles yay!)
Workout: Toes-to-Bar, Rowing, and Double Under

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