???? New month! It’s hot so stay hydrated and stay consistent. Lower the intensity of your workouts as needed as something is better than nothing.
???? 4th of July: 9am Only. Class times Thursday and Friday are subject to change if we see lack of sign ins with people traveling, etc.
Strength: Deadlift
Workout: Air Squat, DB Hang Snatch, Strict Knees-to-Elbow
Strength: Shoulder Press
Workout: quality day with heavy DB Step Ups, Barbell Rows, and 200m Runs
Strength: complex with Power Clean, Hang Power Clean, and Push Jerk
Workout: sprint intervals with Power Clean, Hang Power Clean, Push Jerk, and Bar-Facing Burpee
Workout: long day with Running, Pull Up, Rowing, and AbMat Situp
Strength: Front Squat
Workout: intervals of Cal Rowing and Thruster
Strength: Hang Snatch
Workout: ascending ladder of Russian KB Swing and Push Up