Week Preview for 5/20/24

???? 1 Week from Memorial Day Murph! We’re planning one session at 8am. If the class does fill up early this week we will add another session. For those wondering about 8am….trust us, you want to do this workout before the temps rise too high! We’ll have plenty of options on how to modify/scale the workout so go ahead and start signing in now if you plan to grab a workout to start your holiday.

Amanda Hang Clean
Amanda working through hang cleans


Strength: Back Squat
Workout: Dumbbell Snatch and Single-DB Box Step Up

Strength: Push Press
Workout: Push Up, Hang Clean & Jerk, and 200m Run

Strength: Deadlift
Workout: Wall Ball and Pull Up

Workout: longer day with Rowing, Up-Down, and Toes-to-Bar

Strength: Hang Power Snatch
Workout: Box Jump and Hang Power Snatch

Strength: Clean (power or full)
Workout: Power Clean, Situp, and 400m Run

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