Week Preview for 5/13/24

???? Great news: they (company we bought it from) finally sent out a service tech for the scrubber so we have freshly deep cleaned floors!

Ben back squat
Work for a good position in those squats this week!


Strength: Hang Power Clean
Workout: Cal Rowing, Push Up, and Hang Power Clean

Strength: Tempo Back Squat
Workout: Pull Up, Wall Ball, and Double Under

Strength: Shoulder Press
Workout: Box Jump and Push Jerk
Cash-Out: Core

Workout: Running, Plate Ground-to-Overhead, and Plate Overhead Lunge
Accessory: Single-Leg KB Deadlift and Push Up

Strength: Clean
Workout: Squat Clean and Knees-to-Elbow

Strength: Bench Press
Workout: Burpee Strict Pull Up and Russian KB Swing

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