Week Preview for 4/5/21

???? Next up: CFBR Crawfish Boil on Saturday, April 17th.  We’ll kick things off after the morning class!


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Natalie working through Thrusters during the Open




Starting the week with a quick Back Squat session then getting shoulder endurance with light Hang Power Clean + Push Press and 400m Runs.



Practicing the Power Snatch with a complex then we have a shorter and higher intensity workout of Power Snatches and Lateral Burpees over the Bar.  Push yourself to finish this one quickly!



Having some fun with this workout where you’ll be able to partition the reps however you choose.  The three movements are Strict Handstand Push Ups, Pull Ups, and Wall Balls.  Make a plan but have a backup in case things break down sooner than later.



Bench day!  Great conditioning workout with Cal Rows, Double Unders, and Russian KB Swings to finish up the day.



Working Touch-n-Go Power Clean sets then a triplet of Toes-t0-Bar, Box Jump Overs, and 200m Runs.  Shorter rep scheme with a lot of rounds to keep you moving.



Partner workout is a chipper with big reps working together through Deadlifts, Overhead Squats, and Bar-Facing Burpees.

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